IDE Cables IDE and SCSI Product | TopIDE Cables IDE and SCSI Product
IDE Cables IDE and SCSI Product
IDC 40 x 2 18 inch Single Device
This cable is for connecting internal IDE devices.
IDC 40 x 3 36 inch Dual Device
IDE cables are designed to connect internal devices in your computer to the motherboard. T
IDC 40 x 4 38 inch Three Device
IDE cables are designed to connect internal devices in your computer to the motherboard. T
IDC 40 x 5 48 inch Four Device
IDE cables are designed to connect internal devices in your computer to the motherboard. T
IDC34 x 4 to CE34 x 2 46 inch Floppy Cable
IDE cables are designed to connect internal devices in your computer to the motherboard. T
Floppy Cable Dual IDC 24 inch IDC34 x 3
This cable is for connecting a floppy drive to a motherboard.
Ultra ATA 100 to 133 TPO IDC 40 x 3 18 inch 100MB per sec1
Ultra ATA 100 to 133 TPO IDC 40 x 3 18 inch 100MB per sec
ATA-100 to 133 FC 40 pin 80C x 3 30 AWG 40TP Black Round Cable 18 inch
IDE cables are designed to connect internal devices in your computer to the motherboard. R
Ultra ATA 100 to 133 TPO IDC 40 x 3 24in 100MB per sec
IDE cables are designed to connect internal devices in your computer to the motherboard. R
Ultra ATA 100 to 133 TPO IDC 40 x 3 36in 100-133MB per sec
IDE cables are designed to connect internal devices in your computer to the motherboard. R